A world of peace,
happiness and joy. Without any worries or diseases. That is one part
of the imagination which Michel Agier describes in her book “Managing
the Undesirables”. On the other side there are those who live
outside the walls of this perfect world. They simply grew up on the
wrong side of the barbwire fence. However they have no access to any
of the advantages the developed world could offer.
With the establishment of
the European Union and therefore the opening of the borders inside
Europe, the measures for border control are payed for not only by
countries like Greece or Italy who have external borders themselves,
but also by the EU. The merger of financial resources comes in hand
with a more global and hence more efficient border control. This is
reflected in agencies and programs like Frontex and Eurosur. The more
sophisticated this system of surveillance, border patrol and
deportation gets, the closer we get to actually living in Michel
Agiers perfect world.

http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imre.12288/full#imre12288-fig-0001 25.11.2017
Michel Agier: “Managing the Undesirables” 2011
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/imre.12288/full#imre12288-fig-0001 25.11.2017
Michel Agier: “Managing the Undesirables” 2011
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