How the analysis of racial and gender knowledge can enlighten parts in the migration discourse and the representation of refugees.

Racial knowledge and gender knowledge are both analysis categories who seek to understand racism and sexism not simply as a misbehaviour or wrong perspectives of individuals but as part of a society’s value. Both knowledges are seen as common sense and social cognition by the majority of the dominant group in society. In contrast to stereotypes the racial knowledge of "the others" is primarily "lived" by social practice and a close connection with institutions such as labor market, citizenship and hegemonic culture. It can be used to affirmatively describe which values ​​your own group defines as common. It is important to mention, that this knowledge can change during time but the topos itself is resistant. Gender knowledge for example just changed rapidly because of the raise of feminism and the professionalization of the women's movement. Even though gender knowledge  in science discourses, now based on on the idea of equality, changed a lot and the acceptance of women in society improved, there is still a sort of latent gender knowledge which leads to discrimination of women, recognizable for example in the gender pay gap.

In terms of the representation of refugees, these both sorts of knowledge are important, as they are subconcsious reasons for the way of representation used in media and political debates. It is important to mention, that ajar at the theory of Intersectionality, these both types of knowledge can cross and can be combinded to construct topoi of refugees such as the "dangerous male invader" or the "surppressed female" who needs to be defended by white man. So to understand how "the refugee" is constructed and used in society, science also has to figure out the impact of racial and gender knowledge.


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