Romany people ("gypsies") - One of the largest minority in Europe

Have you heard about Romany people, in Romania? They are also known among the Romanians as “gypsies” and they represent a special, controversial ethnicity. It is not well-known in its essential data, and although living with the Romanians for centuries, their acceptance is rather a difficult process. Why? Who's to blame? Romany people, because they don’t want to change themselves or Romanians, because they don’t facilitate their integration into society and they don’t learn how to respect the others before judging? A very interesting fact is that Romany people haven’t come recently in Romania, they are a historical minority, there have been a long and strong connection for centuries between the two people, but, nevertheless, prejudices and stereotypes still exist. Many Romanians don’t know the essential elements of Romany people’s history: they are Indian nomads, who came to the Romanian Countries, after having spent a long time in the Byzantine Empire.

The portrait of one Roma person is a stereotype: they are seen as people with a strong tendency towards crime and violence ("they prefer to steal rather than to work"); as people with a bad hygiene; as people without education and with a primitive spirit ("their level of education is very low"); and as an ethnicity with an increased birth rate ("exponential birth") [quotes from different Romanian politicians and from most of the population].
Ethnic prejudice implies the sign of equality between the individual and ethnicity. But from my point of view, we observe that what is characteristic of nationality, by statistical criteria, is not necessarily characteristic for each individual belonging to this population. Another fact reported by media is that physically there is a certain peculiarity that distinguishes the Romany people from the common perception: the colour of the skin. This distinctive sign is relative. Therefore, there is another stereotype, according to which the colour of the skin is defining or indicating the moral profile.

Regarding this discrimination situations, I want to present the case of one my friends. He belongs to this minority and he is not afraid to accept it. But during his life, he had a lot of problems in being integrated into the society: they started from the first public institution in which each kid is enrolling – kindergarten, then primary and secondary school, high school and university. I met him at high school because he was my classmate and became best friend. But not all the pupils were treating him well: some of them didn’t want to say hello to him or even shake hands because they considered that he was unclean; it was really a trauma and a very big psychological stress for him. He suffered a lot from these kinds of behavioural and verbal abuses, but I tried with all my best to encourage him every time to overpass these and to prove that them the opposite. He finished the high school among the best pupils and then he was the third student who entered the Medical University (after passing a very difficult exam). It was the moment when people who mistreated him, maybe realized that they made a mistake.

This is not the only case of racial discrimination in Romania. Many other Romany people, especially children and teenagers, have been put to several mistreating critics. There have been more accusation in media regarding the bad treatment that Romany pupils are receiving in some schools: they were separated from the other children in a different building away from the others. Furthermore, there are many difficulties in any person from these people to get a job and to have access to public services.
The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination which came into force in 1969 prohibits “any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin..”. So, starting with the public institutions and then all Romanian people should be pay more attention to the rights of each human being.

There are also lots of cases where the Romany children were put to beg for money by their parents in the street in inhuman conditions. In this case, the Department for Children Protection should notify these cases and step in. It should be considered The Convention on the Rights of the Child because it is protecting children from economical exploitation and abuse.

In the last 6-8 years, it has started a massive migration of these people in different countries in Europe: Italy, UK, France which led to different political problems between the countries. We should solve these problem with a close attention to the international conventions, but also starting to have a more humanitarian approach.

Below a very interesting documentary with English subtitle about the lives destroyed of some children who could have been saved:

Clapham, Andrew2015 [2007]. Human Rights. A very short  Introduction. Chapter2
Burns, H. Weston, Human Rights: Concept and Content

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